by CBrown | Oct 23, 2014 | Servers, Work
It is not exactly easy to add a new user to Nagios but this is how it can be done. If using ubuntu you will need to modify /usr/local/nagios/etc/cgi.cfg The important one to view the information on the web interface is...
by CBrown | Oct 21, 2014 | Servers
Of course they had to change the way you restart interfaces in Ubuntu 14.04. Here is how to restart your interface. Make sure you select the correct interface, the example below is for eth0. You can check you interface name in ifconfig. ifdown eth0 && ifup...
by CBrown | Aug 1, 2013 | Servers, Work
Put this at the end of your .bashrc function cz { zonefile=$1 zone=$(basename $zonefile .zone) named-checkzone $zone $zonefile } Then you will be able to use cz to check you zone files. Example: cbrown$ cz...
by CBrown | Jan 31, 2013 | Web Sites
After setting up your website it is always a good idea to change the directory and file permissions. This makes it a little harder for an attacker to compromise your site. For Joomla and WordPress it is best practice to set your directory permissions to 755 and your...
by CBrown | Nov 16, 2011 | Servers
sudo echo “UseDNS no” >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config This prevents the server from doing a reverse DNS lookup on the IP address, which apparently takes forever sometimes.