To run vhosts under separate UIDs/GIDs in apache is very easy with mpm-itk. This will help secure your sites on your shared server.
First install apache2-mpm-itk
apt-get install apache2-mpm-itk
Next add a group and user
groupadd web1 useradd -s /bin/false -d /home/web1_admin -m -g web1 web1_admin
Now add this to the end of your vhost for your site. Be sure to place this inside the </virtualhost> tag and not outside of it.
AssignUserId web1_admin web1
For each of your sites you will user a different username and group. Now be sure to set your web directory to the correct user and group.
chown -R web1_admin:web1 /var/www/website
mpm-itk is no longer part of Ubuntu…